Thursday, April 30, 2009


This week we will talk about our community. Students will be asked to think of some jobs in the community that they would like to have in thier future.

Friday's Field Trip

We will be leaving soon after the students arrive at school. We will be taking a bus to Red Oak and go to their new theatre to watch a play of Ruby and Max. We will return to school before lunch.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This week we talked about the weather and came up with several weather words. We created clouds to go with our story by Eric Carl.

We watched the Magic School Bus and listened for the 3 things that make up our weather. Air, Heat, and Water.

3 R's (see our new-reused frogs)

Here our the pop cans that were emtied, cleaned, and ready to reuse.

Add some paint........

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Earth Day

Next week we will be talking about the earth and the things that we can do to keep it clean. Please send in a empty, clean pop can to school on Monday so that we can reuse it to make some art in class.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This month in Spanish they will be learning some parts of the body and learning a new song!

My hands on my head,
? Que' esta' aqui' ?
This is my cabeza my mamacita
Cabeza, Cabeza, la la la la
That's what I learned in my school. Si, si!

(replace the bolded words for the following parts)

Song by Dr. Jean

Insects/ Eric Carl

tissue paper art

Drawing insects- coloring insects- labeling the parts of our insects

This week we are celebrating Eric Carl's 40th year as a children's author and we are also going to be looking at insects.

We are going to be learning the different body parts of the insect and they life cycle of an insect.


We studied eggs last week. We learned the parts of the egg: yolk, egg white, and shell. KB got to explore the eggs with thier hands feeling the egg parts.

They also go to do a lot of math with them, figuring out how much they wieghed and how much space they take up.

April News

Sight Word Olympics
We will have our final Olympic Ceremony on April 10th were the remaining members of KB will be going for ribbons and even a gold medal.

Thank you for our Mystery Readers: Kyle H., Sarah L.and Jay R. Thank you to JH for the wonderful birthday treats.

If you feel like you have any questions after meeting with me please feel free to contact me.

Math: Money
KB is working hard at recognizing coins and counting with them. Please don’t be too surprised if they ask you to play with money at home. KB is working on counting by 5’s, 10’s and 1’s all the way to 100.

Reading: Wow they have taken off!
KB is working hard on reading and their fluency. We will start back at their guided reading in April. Reading everyday is important, the more the read and the more they are read to, the more fluent they can read. Parents keep up the good work!

April Dates To Remember
Week 1 Ocean A day
•Wednesday, April 1
Early Out 1:35

Week 2 Eggs B day
•Monday, April 6
Please bring a hard boiled egg to school
Book Orders Due
•Tuesday, April 7
K-2 Music Concert 7pm
Student Council Blood Drive at AC
•Wednesday, April 8
Early Out 1:35

Week 3 Insects A day
•Monday, April 13
No school
•Wednesday, April 15
Early Out 1:35

Week 4 Earth 3 R’s B day

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Welcome Back from Spring Break!

We are back and ready to roll.

When KB walked in this morning they saw something new, something high tech has come to our classroom wall.

Our Smartboard is in and we are ready to use this tool to help us learn!