Thursday, November 6, 2008

November News Letter

We are working in our Guided Reading books a lot. We are using our finger to point to the words. When we come to a word we don’t know we make are mouth says the sound and then try to stretch it out.

Sight Word Olympics
Our Olympic kick off is underway and we have our first judging at the end of the month. KB. Is on top of things and we are working on learning more letters and sounds.

Read S’more
Please continue to keep track of the minutes you and our student are reading at home. Corning Elementary has already read over 100, 000 minutes.

Popcorn Words
Words have been added to our rings. Reminder they haven’t learned these words yet in school, but will be with in the next few months. The days of the week, months, colors, and classmates names do not have to be spelled. I would like them to be able to read and spell the words they use in their own writing everyday!

Thank You
Thank you to the room moms, Sarah Lunquist and Christy Harbaugh for such a wonderful fall party!
Thank you to our Corning Fire Department for doing such a great job showing us their fire equipment.
Thanks to Kevin Yearington for coming in to be our Mystery Reader and telling us more about Fire Safety.
Another thank you goes to Chimene Cobb for being our Mystery Reader!
I hope some of you got to see Mr. Green perform at the high school. The students really enjoyed looking at all the different types of instruments and listening to the sounds they made.

Book orders
Book orders are due on Thursday, November 13 , 2008. Please do not feel obligated to purchase books. You may send in cash or make checks out to Scholastics. You may also check it out online. Our user name is leapnleaners and the password is frog.
Christmas is just around the corner so if you would like any of these books wrapped instead or kept a secret please let me know.

The last few weeks with fall under way we have been looking at KWL charts. KB is able to tell a lot of what they already Know from their own background or from text they have already heard. They are able to ask questions to find out information that they Want to know. After working on it for a week they are able to gather all that information and tell what they have Learned.
Science is a large part of our world and we look at it through text and hands on excitement. We have gotten to look at leaves and parts or apples. We even got to sink our hands into pumpkins!

Fall Is Here!
The weather is getting colder please make sure that your child is equipped with the right gear to head outside. Gloves and hats are easily lost so please make sure that the items are labeled.

November Dates To Remember
Week 1 Veterans/United States B day
•Saturday, November 1st
DC’s Birthday
•Wednesday, November 5th
Early Out 1:35
AB’s Birthday
Week 2 Gingerbread Man A day
•Tuesday, November 11tth
•10:30 Activity Center Veteran’s Day Ceremony
Picture Retakes
AL’s Birthday
•Wednesday, November 12th
Early Out 1:35
•Thursday, November 13th
Book Orders Due
Week 3 Scarecrows B day
•Monday, November 17th
Sydney’s Birthday
•Tuesday, November 18th Mid Quarter
Week 4 Thanksgiving A day
•Monday, November 24th
Ms. Gray’s Birthday
•Tuesday, November 25th
Book It Due!
•Wednesday, November 26th
Early out 1:35
•Thursday, November 27th
No School/ Happy Thanksgiving
•Friday, November 28th
No School

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