Ideas to help you step into middle school with a feeling of success is practice your facts! Math will get easier if you know them by heart!
Links to help you practice:
Be a Prime Number Hunter
Wondering how to help your child get a handle on prime numbers? Why not turn her into a prime number hunter?
Explore Circumference with Your Bicycle Wheel
By late elementary school, students are exploring the many ways that geometry translates to real-world situations. Here's a hands-on activity that helps your child understand the concept of "circumference."
Go Shopping for Decimal Practice!
Here's an activity that will get your child's attention with a back-to-school shopping spree. The catch? He'll have to use decimal skills to add, subtract, multiply, and divide his way to a new wardrobe!
Percent Flash
Practice percentages in this competitive card game! Race to calculate the answer as cards are flipped over. For each correct answer you give, you'll earn a card. Whoever earns the most cards, wins!
Snag a Spoon! A Math Game
In this version of the classic card game, students will gain a solid understanding of basic equivalents and will be having so much fun they may not even realize it's a math review.
Craft Your Own Carnival! Make Juggling Balls
Be the ringmaster of your very own household circus by making some juggling balls! They're super simple to make and are a blast to play with. Not to mention, they're great practicing hand-eye coordination!
Card Pick Up
Use a deck of playing cards to improve math reasoning skills! This two-player game requires logic and critical thinking. If your child likes puzzles, this activity will be a big hit!
Natural vs. Artificial: Can You Taste the Difference?
Which do you prefer: real or artificial? Try this sweet little taste experiment to help your kids develop a better awareness of the food they consume.
Fold for Fractions!
If fractions strike fear into your child's homework hour, have not fear. Here's a hands-on way to help your child understand how common fractions can be equivalent.
The Amazing Equation Race
Games are a great way to ease your fifth grader's fear of new math concepts. Here's an interactive, fast-paced game that will make your fifth grader feel more comfortable with simple equations.
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