Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer Writing Topic #2

What did you think of all the rain last night?
What is your favorite thing to do in the rain?
Or least favorite?

1 comment:

  1. I personally love to play in the rain (with no lightening outside). When I have no where to go and I can just jump in the puddles, spraying mud everywhere.
    As a student in high school I remember going to a concert in IL where you would have to camp out for days and there were hundreds of bands that would play throughout the day. The first day we arrived as a small group it was down pouring, our ride needed to get going. So we unpack our things and tried to set up the tent while everything was dripping wet. Mind you it didn't help that we were on a hill and at night if you touched the side of the tent water would leak in....but you couldn't help but wake up at the bottom of the tent no matter how hard you tried in your sleep not to creep down the hillside.

    Rain can be beautiful, cause trouble, or floods. If we didn't have drops of rain where would we be?


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