Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Behavior Plans

PAWS (class rules)
Paws is based around Positive Behavioral Supports a researched based behavioral program. The focus is on the positive behavior shown by students and giving them praise for things seen and done inside and outside the classroom. The program is also about telling them the positive expectations you have for them. Classroom expectations are clearly defined for the students based on the PAWS theme.

Behavioral Stick
There is a painted yardstick hanging beside the centerboard. It is in visible sight with easy access. Each student has his or her name on a clothespin that starts out in green everyday. Given one warning of movement of the student’s name. On the second warning name will be dropped down to the time-out. Time-out includes leaving the classroom if needed or finding a place in the classroom away from the problem area. 3rd warning of behavior will result in another time-out and calling parents. The last result is going to the principal. Students have the ability to move up and down on the behavior stick throughout the day.

*Time-out needs to be no more than 10minutes at a time. Recommended 3minutes. The problem needs to be addressed verbally to the student so that the problem doesn’t continue. “Ask them why they are in time out”

Often time students are taken out into the hallway or placed on the wall at recess. They may also just be placed at a different desk or spot in the room.

Behavior Reporting Form
Records and documentation are very important. There is a form that may be sent home that mark the behaviors from minor to major behavior.

Behavior Chart
Some students may have a daily behavior chart in order to monitor their behavior subject to subject. Behavior chart are marked accordingly taking on best judgment and point value. The points are added up at the end of the week. If student meets his or her goal then a prize or reward is given. Example pencil, free choice of game, or extra computer time. Each child is different, each goal may vary.

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