Wednesday, August 20, 2008

KB Expectations

Language Arts
Write first and last name correctly
Recognize capital and lower case letters
Write correctly both capital and lower case letters
Know the initial sounds of all 21 consonants
Know the initial sounds of 5 short vowels a, e, i, o, and u.

Be able to write full sentences with capital letter at the beginning, lower case words, punctuation at the end, and a sentence that sounds pleasing to the ear.
1 ex. The cat sat on the mat.
2 ex. Cat sat mat. (this does not sound correct)

Read sight words min. of 18
Recognize color words correctly
Hold a book correctly and turn pages correctly
Makes an effort to read words that are unfamiliar

Count 1- 130 by 1’s
Count by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s
Write numbers 1-30
Sequence numbers
Recognize coins
Count coins
Recognize and create patterns

Read a date on a calendar
Write the date

Add and subtract simple mathematical problems

Social Skills
Tie Shoe
Have polite manners, please and thank you
Can walk in a line quietly
Can use a quiet voice inside
Can dress him or her self

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