Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Extra, Extra What Do We Need To Know?

*FROG binders*
3 ring binders will get checked every morning and sent home every night. Please feel free to write any notes you have for me on the sheet of paper inside. Don’t forget to remove any papers that your child brings home. There may be calendars, lunch menus, notes about lunch money, etc, as well as daily papers to go over with your child. Remind your child to give Ms. Gray any messages or papers you send back to school in the binder.

If there is a change from how your child normally leaves the school either walking, riding, or bus. Please leave a note in the FROG binder or call Karen in the office before 3 p.m. If your student is going home with another student please make sure that there is a note sent to school. The first few weeks if your student is riding the bus there will be a bus tag attached to his or her backpack with the student’s name and bus number for the first few weeks of school. Please make sure your student is aware of what they are to do after school each day.

*Lost and Found*
Sometimes clothing items are left behind in the lunch room, playground, art room, etc. It would be extremely helpful if you marked ALL clothing items with your child’s name or initials (on the tag is great!) Items not marked end up in the Lost and Found if they are not claimed. If clothing items don’t make it home in a timely manner please, check the Lost and Found.

*Milk Time*
We have a milk break each day in the morning and the children are able to choose if they would like to take it or not. There will be an extra cost for this each semester.

If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday please let me know in advance the day you would like to come in or if you would like to bring treats. *NO PEANUTS*

*Mystery Reader*
If you or a family member would like to come to our class as a special guest and read please contact me. Mystery Reader will be starting in September on Fridays. You may sign up at registration or later on throughout the year.
*Class visits*
I welcome you into our room. I do ask that you wait to visit until later on in the year, when students have gotten use to their routine and will not be disrupted by visitors. Please take look at the hand book.

*Multiple Bags*
Birthday Bag and Tooth Bag will get sent home when your child is celebrating his or her birthday and the tooth bag when they loose a tooth either at home or at school. Share Bag will be sent home once a week to one student, then rotated throughout all the students in our class. Frog Bag will also be sent home once a week to one student in class. Each bag will contain a notebook with instructions and books to read with your child. Look for other bags throughout the year with activities to do with your student.

*Book Orders*
I will send out a selection of book orders once a month for you to look through. I will normally give a date of one week to return any orders you would like to place. Please don’t feel obligated to purchase anything. If you are looking for a way to enrich your child’s life with literature, Scholastic is one of the most affordable ways to start.

*Rest Time*
I don’t require that everyone sleeps during this time; it is a quiet time where students can lay down and relax after using their brain power during the day. Please make sure that your student brings something like a towel or a rug to lie on during this time. I will send home the bedding on Fridays.

*Extra Clothes*
Please remember to have your child wear tennis shoes on the day they have gym as their special. Some families have opted to leave a pair of tennis shoes at the school just for gym and that is ok too. Also if your child has a tendency to have accidents during the day or while napping please bring in an extra set of clothes either in their bag or to leave at school just in case. Please mark any shoes or extra clothing with your child’s initials or name.
I have covered quite a bit in this letter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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